
Frost damaged soybeans
Heavy residue area with frost-damaged soybean plants. Several rows impacted like this make replant decisions more difficult as often what is seen is the entire length of the field isn’t impacted, just areas of several rows with heavier residue. At first glance, these plants may all seem dead, but it’s been interesting to see what may be surviving when the residue is pulled back. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Assessing Plant Recovery and Replant Considerations

May 27, 2022
Nebraska Extension recommendations on evaluating fields that were affected by crusting, hail, wind and frost damage this past week in order to make plant recovery or replant decisions.

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soybeans emerging in a field

Soybean Replanting Considerations

May 15, 2020
With the recent cold temperatures and frost in portions of the State, some are questioning the need to replant soybean. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions. Soybeans are more resilient than one may think!

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Seeding in person's hand
When estimating whether severely injured plants will survive, check the growing point. Healthy growing point is yellow/white and firm as is shown in this picture. Unhealthy growing point is discolored and soft to the touch. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Replanting Corn: Things To Do and Think About

May 24, 2024
Recent flooding events beginning May 20-21, 2024 in portions of the state have some concerned about the need to replant corn when waters recede. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions.

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Sugarbeet replanting field trial

When To Replant Sugarbeets: The Relationship Between Population, Yield, And Replant Timing

January 8, 2018
An article from the Proceedings of the 2018 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics: Early season stand loss from wind or frost can be severe enough to require replanting of a sugarbeet crop. Three years of field trials at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center were conducted to determine just how much stands need to be reduced to justify replanting.

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Video: Replanting Considerations

The decision to replant after hail can be difficult and is often unclear, especially when hail occurs in late May through June. Will the current crop recover and provide a reasonable yield? Will replanting offer a better yield? This video explores how to assess stand injury and yield potential as well as other factors to consider.

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Infographic: Replanting Considerations

Hail causes the most uncertainty in late May through June due to plant growth stage and the final crop insurance planting date. During this time, many farmers find themselves asking the replant question. This infographic highlights what factors to consider when making the decision to replant or not.

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Nebraska precipitation map

When Weather Delays Planting – Now What?

May 26, 2017
Agronomists consider several options for those pushed into late planting due to heavy rains. Changing corn hybrids or soybean varieties is not recommended, nor is shifting to alternate crops.

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Freeze damage to corn seedlings
Figure 1. (left) Yellow corn displaying damage from last week’s frost. Eighty to ninety percent of plants in this area of the field will likely recover, thus replanting would not be justified. Figure 2. Plant displaying frost injury. Both in Lancaster County, May 4, 2017. (Photos by Roger Elmore)

Do I Need to Replant My Corn?

May 5, 2017
Considering whether your corn should be replanted? The authors look at types of plant damage at early growth stages and the effect on potential yield. It includes a table of relative yield potential of corn by planting date and population.

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