Farm Estate

Man speaks to older couple near vehicles and farm equipment
While land, machinery and equipment are the most logical options, any physical asset used on your farm or ranch could be considered in a gift leaseback for family members looking to join the operation. (CAP photo)

Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gift Leaseback

May 23, 2024
Continuing a series on ideas and tactics for bringing another family member into the operation, this extension article expands on strategies to transfer wealth by combining gifts with a lease agreement.

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Man and woman speaking near tractor
Successfully bringing additional family members into an ag operation may require some creativity, as all parties need to maintain a viable standard of living. Gifting assets is one strategy for compensating the next generation on the farm or ranch.

Ideas for Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting

April 24, 2024
Gifting assets, such as equipment, livestock, land, or shares of an entity, is one of several ways to compensate family members in an operation, but it requires careful consideration of the guidelines.

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Center pivot system in snowy field
Snow covers the landscape around a center pivot and bales of hay. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Farm and Ranch Estate and Transition Planning Workshops in Rushville, Chadron, Scottsbluff

January 18, 2024
Following a presentation that will assist producers with creating an estate plan, the workshops will feature a Q&A session with an attorney or panel of estate planning professionals.

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Man and son on farm
The upcoming farm succession workshops are sponsored by the Nebraska Rural Response Hotline, Nebraska Department of Agriculture Beginning Farm Tax Credit and Negotiations programs, the Farm and Ranch Project of Legal Aid of Nebraska, and the Nebraska Farmers Union Foundation.

Free Farm Succession Workshops Set for Jan. 24-25

January 4, 2024
Hosted in Stuart and Greeley, the workshops will cover basic estate and succession planning to assist farm and ranch families in creating or reviewing their plans.

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Farming family in field
Participants of this Returning to the Farm workshop will benefit from two additional virtual training sessions, scheduled for Jan. 11 and Feb. 8. See details below.

Returning to the Farm Workshop Dec. 8-9 in Grand Island

December 1, 2023
The two-day workshop will assist families and agricultural operations with developing financial plans and successful working arrangements to meet their unique needs.

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Wheat field and barn
Free to attend, registration for the Nov. 21 workshop in Harrison is required. See details below. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Extension Ag Estate, Transition Planning Workshop Scheduled in Harrison

November 14, 2023
Set for Nov. 21, the workshop will feature discussion on tools and strategies to create estate plans while avoiding common mistakes during the process.

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Young farm couple talking in field
Estate planning goes beyond creating a will and assigning beneficiaries to inherit land after a death — it's also important for farmers and ranchers to consider what medical care they want to receive if a debilitating illness or accident leaves them unable to make decisions.

Are You a Farmer or Rancher Over 18? It’s Time for an Estate Plan

October 12, 2023
Often, the risk of failure for a farm caused by the unexpected death or disability of a young person is much greater than the loss of an older member. In this article, learn more about the key components of creating an estate plan for young producers. 

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Nebraska Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf outlines what types of conversations should be had around finances during the transition process in this Center for Agricultural Profitability webinar.

Farm Transition: Beginning Conversations About Finances

April 21, 2023
One of the hardest things to do is talk about finances —  in this new webinar, Nebraska Extension Educator Jessica Groskopf helps farm owners and heir generations learn how to discuss operational finances while planning a succession. 

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